Gourmet picnic basket CZK 890

2 pieces of sandwich with pulled pork
Vegetable crudités, herb dip
200 g of mini chicken cutlets, cucumber, pastry
1x 0.5l still water
 1x 0.5l homemade lemonade 

Mediterranean picnic basket CZK 890

2x caprese ciabatta
Caesar salad
2x tortilla with chicken breast, tomatoes and arugula
Almond cake with fruit
Fruit salad
1x 0.5l still water
 1x 0.5l homemade lemonade 

Picnic basket vegan/vegetarian CZK 990

Tortilla with vegan cheese, tomato, arugula
Hummus with pita and crudité
Shredded lettuce salad with beetroot and balsamic vinegar 
Panna cotta from coconut milk, forest fruits
1x 0.5l still water
 1x 0.5l homemade lemonade 


To order, contact the hotel reception 24 hours in advance, telephone 224 321 278, recepce@vila-lanna.cz
We can also prepare snacks for you in a gluten-free version.
Upon collection, a refundable deposit of CZK 500 is paid for a picnic basket and a picnic blanket.
For each picnic basket, we recommend buying a unique Riesling from our Vila Lanna Exclusive wine collection.